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Monday, June 6, 2011

Pun Overload

And you thought Arnold Schwarzenegger movies were bad....

Spider-man, in his 1985 incarnation, is inundated with three "helpers", fan boys with stupid costumes and tech gadgets who proceed to fall all over each other trying to prove to Spider-man how great they are.

The puns come fast and thick in this one. Then, as the three fat fan boys go "boinging" off into the sunset, you get this little bit of linguistic fun. The misfits want so desperately to be cool, to have trim and athletic bodies, to be useful. Given their current physical and mental state, this is a pipe dream to beat all pipe dreams. But as the delusional say, when your delusion is shared, you at least aren't lonely anymore. The writers can't resist putting in the "jock" comment at the end, though. Almost casually racist (hardly surprising in 1985) and certainly cruel, it seems strangely out of character for Spider-man to dish this out, considering that until his radioactive spider bite, Peter Parker wasn't really any more impressive.

As for Peter Parker's situation relative to the Superboy post earlier, even Sam Raimi couldn't quite let Peter have the technical wizardry necessary to invent spider webbing and a shooter that pumped out, volume-wise, more than his body weight every time he'd go out to fight crime. Mind you, making it a natural occurence didn't help much either, since the volume is still very problematic. Maybe he did as other spiders do and went back and ate it.

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